Geneticists provide better crops

Scientists revealed genetic codes for African rice and a wild tomato, and said that the data will help develop more flexible crops. The research team described the genome sequence of two plant species in detail. With the world population expected to increase from 7.1 billion to more than 9 billion in 2050, plant biologists must undertake a second green revolution to increase current crop production and reduce imports by two or three inputs (ie, less water, fertilizer, and pesticides). To respond to the rapid growth of the population. Rice will be an important role in helping solve the food problem for 9 billion people.

The African rice, scientific name glaberrima, is a more common species of drought-resistant species in Asia. About 3,000 years ago, the wild species of the Niger River were domesticated. Although more work is needed to determine the genes for disaster resistance, the team claimed that the published genome is an unprecedented opportunity to breed new varieties of high-yield, drought-resistant crops. The second study of South American wild tomato Solanum pennellii, managed to identify its key genes for resistance to dehydration, fruit development and maturation. By crossing this species has been used to increase the common tomato cultivation yield. The new data may help develop more delicious and stress-resistant varieties of tomatoes.

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