The slurry pump selection formula is listed in various industry standards, the symbols in the formula are unified.
1) Typical slurry method
Pipeline features:
Water Hf = ΔH + (1 + ξ) (V ^ 2) / (2g)
Slurry Hmo = ΔΗ + 0.72Ko (Vl ^ 2) + 0.58Ko (V ^ 2)
Pump features:
Slurry Hm = ΔΗ + 0.72Ko (Vl ^ 2) + 0.58Ko (V ^ 2)
Fresh water Hs = Hs * HR
2) Coal Preparation Plant 1
Pipeline features:
Water Hf = ΔH + iL + 2
Slurry Hmo = ΔΗ + imL + 2
Pump features:
Slurry Hm = ΔΗ + imL + 2
Water Hs = H / Km
3) ash calculation method
Pipeline features:
Fresh water Hf = ΔH + 1.05iL
Slurry Hmo = ΔΗγm + 1.05imL
Pump characteristics
Slurry Hm = 1.1Hmo
Water Hs = Hs * γm * Km
4) tailings calculation method
Pipeline features:
Water Hf = ΔH + iL + Σhi
Slurry Hmo = ΔΗγm + imL + Σhi
Pump features:
Slurry Hm = ΔΗγm + imL + Σhi
Water Hs = Hs * γm * Km * Kh
5) Filling mining method
Pipeline features:
Water Hf = ΔH + 1.05iL + Σhi
Slurry Hmo = ΔΗγm + imL + Σhi
Pump features:
Slurry Hm = ΔΗγm + imL + Σhi
Fresh water Hs = Hs * Km * Kh
6) Metallurgical mining law
Pipeline features:
Water Hf = ΔH + iL + Σhi
Slurry Hmo = ΔΗγm + imL + Σhi
Pump features:
Slurry Hm = ΔΗγm + imL + Σhi
Water Hs = Hs * γm * Kh
Symbol and meaning in the formula
Hf, Hmo, Hm, Hs pipe water head and the head of the slurry, the pump head and the slurry head lift;
ΔH head loss;
L pipe length;
i, im water and slurry friction coefficient;
Kh = 1-0.25Cw
γm slurry specific gravity;
Ko = H / (V ^ 2), water calculation pipe head and the square of the speed ratio.
Vl critical sedimentation velocity.
Km = Hm / (Vm ^ 2) slurry calculated pipe head and the ratio of the speed of the square.
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