Chinese government network screenshot
Recently, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council recently signed Order No. 682 of the State Council and pr…
Manganese ore is a weakly magnetic minerals, so the use of high intensity magnetic separation process can be effectively sorting of manganese ore, the strength of the magnetic field intensity magnetic separation device<…
The effect of the depth of the flotation machine on the quality of the concentrate and the recovery rate, the depth of the flotation tank increases, the air consumption in the flotation tank decreases, the bubble rise distance is large, and the collision probabi…
Beneficiation plant size, generally based on how much ore processing capacity to divide, colored and black Concentrator size is slightly different. The size and type of the ore dressing are shown in the table below.
Currently in terms of extracting platinum group metals, used mainly in industry re-election, flotation and their joint process, which is the most widely used flotation.