February 1 Anshan Steel Market Price Quotes

Product Name Specification Material Steel/Origin Price (Yuan/Ton) Yesterday Last Week High Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Angang 4350 0 0 0 High Line Φ8mm Q335 Beitai 4350 0 0 High Line Φ6.5mm Q335 Jiujiang 4400 0 0 0 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Beitai 4400 0 0 0 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Linggang 4400 0 0

The future marketing trend of auto parts companies

At present, the traditional marketing mode of communication can no longer meet the needs of the parts and components companies. And customers need to obtain information from their friends or “virtual friends” on the social media platform to support

A major turning point in the development of enterprises

Under the leadership of the new leadership team, the Guanzhong Tool Factory achieved a turnaround in 2000. Under the leadership of the new leadership team, the development is the only way to lead the overall situation. In response to various problems and difficulties faced by enterprises, a

Weibo Marketing's "Jungle Law" Helps You Speak

Definition of Weibo Marketing Weibo Marketing is an online marketing method that has just been launched, because with the fieryness of Weibo, it has spawned relevant marketing methods, that is, Weibo marketing. Everyone can register a microblog on Sina, Neteas