In general, most wireless monitoring devices are installed in an outdoor environment, and often can be exposed to various situations, such as wind, rain, snow, etc., but for wireless monitoring equipment. It is not a big problem. However, once a certain situation is encountered, the equipment can be scrapped, that is, lightning strikes. Many users do not consider this issue when purchasing or installing wireless monitoring equipment, or consider it very lightly, and regret it once a lightning strike occurs.
Therefore, the correct understanding of the importance of lightning protection measures is especially important for the protection of wireless devices and the safety of the general public. There are frequent rains in summer, and lightning protection measures need to be done in advance.

The lightning protection measures for wireless monitoring equipment are mainly divided into lightning protection grounding system installation and direct lightning protection.
First, the lightning protection grounding system is commonly referred to as the lightning rod, and the grounding system is also one of the necessary components of the lightning protection system. The front end and terminal equipment of the wireless monitoring system should have good lightning protection grounding, and the corresponding grounding system should meet the requirements of the specification. It is worth noting that, regardless of the front-end or grounding system of the terminal equipment, if the distance is less than 20 meters, equipotential bonding should be made between the two grounding systems. In addition, the distance between the pole of the wireless monitoring equipment and the independent lightning rod should be greater than 4.5 meters. If the pole can use insulating material, it is more conducive to insulation.
Second, the direct lightning strike is a rapid discharge phenomenon of the charged cloud layer (Thundercloud) and the receiver. Direct lightning strikes will produce a series of destructive effects such as electrical effects, thermal effects or mechanical forces. If the device is subjected to such a lightning strike, the device will suffer an incalculable loss. The wireless monitoring equipment is mainly for lightning protection of the front end of the equipment. From the perspective of technical economy, the front-end equipment direct lightning protection generally adopts the lightning rod on the support rod of the camera, and the down-line can directly use the metal rod itself, but In order to prevent electromagnetic induction, the power and signal wires that are led to the camera along the pole should be laid through metal pipes, and the metal pipes should be reliably grounded.
Only when lightning protection is done can we guarantee the normal operation of the wireless monitoring equipment. Tengyuan Zhituo wireless monitoring equipment has industrial and military-grade quality. It can be graded to IP-67 or IP-68 and can be used in very harsh outdoor environments.