India's LED street lights replace the tide

According to a recent report by the Foreign Media Economic Times, the government of Andhra Pradesh of India has set a grand goal. By the end of June, energy efficient LED lighting systems have been installed in 110 municipalities and private enterprises. Municipal Administration Minister PNarayana gave a speech at the national conference on LED manufacturing, and mentioned that Chief Minister NChandrababu Naidu has set a goal to install LED street lights in 110 municipalities and private enterprises across the state by the end of June. In the 21 days after the Cyclone Hudhud, the 90,000 盏 inefficient sodium or mercury lamps in Visakhapatnam were replaced with LED street lights. Since then, all cities have required LED street lights, he said. However, the participating LED manufacturers and suppliers stated that the deadline for the project was too short and they needed more time to complete. Supplying 450,000 LED street lights in three months is not a problem, but before that, a survey should be conducted on other issues such as wiring infrastructure and pole grounding in municipalities and enterprises to ensure safety and use of LED bulbs. Life, they said.

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