Nitrogen Fertilizer Reaction Test Using Chlorophyll Meter

Generally speaking, the chlorophyll content of crops is closely related to the nitrogen effects of crops. Therefore, the relative content of chlorophyll or the “greenness degree” of plants can be determined with the use of chlorophyll analyzer. Nitrogen fertilizer needs of crops such as wheat, cotton and vegetables.

Chlorophyll analyzer is a simple, rapid and non-destructive method for diagnosis and diagnosis of nitrogen. It is a concrete embodiment of the application of science and technology to agricultural production. Through its measurement, researchers can predict the demand for crops and make reasonable predictions. Nitrogen fertilization was applied to determine whether the implementation was performed through a nitrogen fertilizer reaction test. Whether it could be used as a representative and whether it could increase the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer could provide important data support for the precise application of nitrogen fertilizer and environmental protection.
In general, different types of crops grow on different types of land. Because of the differences in climate, environment, and conditions, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer needed is also different. However, traditional methods of agricultural fertilization are excessive. The application is not insufficient, resulting in a large amount of excess fertilizer applied. On the one hand, there is no significant increase in the growth of the crop, but on the contrary it also has a certain inhibitory effect. On the other hand, the application of excessive nitrogen fertilizer causes environmental pollution. This has affected the agricultural environment in the field and affected the sustainable development of modern agriculture. These are the negative effects caused by the application of excess nitrogen fertilizer. The goal of modern agriculture is to realize the goal of high yield and high quality under the premise of protecting the environment and improving the soil. Therefore, the application of the chlorophyll meter is in line with the current development background of agriculture.
Why do you say that? This is because the results measured by the chlorophyll meter are closely related to the precise application of nitrogen fertilizer. Using the chlorophyll meter to perform the nitrogen fertilizer reaction test can save the agricultural resources, that is, reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizer and significantly increase the nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate. It has created conditions for the high yield and high quality of crops. At the same time, nitrogen pollution has also improved environmental pollution and promoted the healthy development of modern agriculture.

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