Polish car seat maker signs more than $100 million with GM

InterGroclin, a Polish car seat manufacturer, recently signed a contract with General Motors worth 80 million euros (US$110 million).

According to the supply agreement, Groclin will manufacture car seats for General Motors at its GrodziskWielkopolski

How Turbocharged Engines Work

What is Turbo

Turbo is actually an air compressor. If you see “Turbo” or “T” in the tail of a car, it means that the engine used in the car is a turbocharged engine.

SUV, MPV fire, wagon?

SUV, MPV fire, wagon?

All along, the wagon is in a "chicken rib" position in the domestic market. The reason is very simple. Although the wagon appears to be rich in functional

Where to buy the pumping machine

The manure extraction machine, as its name implies, is mainly used for the treatment of human and animal dung and dirt produced in daily life, and its use is very extensive. It is not only a common tool in