Target Flowmeter Common Faults and Five Rules

Accurate data has always been the hard standard of the instrument, but sometimes there is data error, it cannot be concluded because the quality of the instrument itself is not closed, below we have to understand the common failure of the target flowmeter and

Denso plans to build a new small motor plant in India

The Denso Group has announced that it will build a new factory in Jhajjar, Haryana, India to produce small motors for windshield wipers, power windows, and engine cooling system components.


When the long-awaited car three bags go out of the waiting season

One of the world’s largest auto-producing and selling countries still does not have a complete car three-bag method. If it is placed in any country, it is bound to be defined as a joke, but today’s Chinese auto industry has to face up to it. With such a realistic joke

Group special CENTER 350 infrared thermometer latest offer

The special offer CENTER 350 infrared thermometer is quoted in the following six regions, quoted at 230-350 yuan in Jiangsu, 219-380 yuan in Guangdong, and 255-330 in Beijing, in Zhejiang. The quotation is 219-420 yuan, which is quoted at 230-450 yuan in Shang

KPMG: Serious excess of Chinese auto production capacity in 2016

A survey report published by KPMG recently pointed out that in 2016, the Chinese auto market will be the country with the most serious problems of oversupply in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China).

The 2016 forecast for the Chinese au

