At 15:58 on May 28th, a 3.25 × 770mm strip of steel was like a long dragon, and the new pickling line for the cold rolling mill was newly installed. After unrolling, pickling, cleaning, drying and other processes, the first roll of pickled strip went off the assembly line, signifying the success of the formal trial run of the Hengping pickling renovation project.
It is reported that after the completion of the transformation, the annual pickling capacity of the Hengban Cold Rolling Plant will be increased from the original 280,000 tons to 450,000 tons, and the quality of pickling will be greatly improved. The quality defects such as under-pickling and iron oxide skin press-in will be completely eliminated. Basically eliminate scratches and scratches. In addition, various energy consumption such as steam, hydrochloric acid, and water will be greatly reduced, providing conditions for improving the quality of cold-rolled products and reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
It is reported that after the completion of the transformation, the annual pickling capacity of the Hengban Cold Rolling Plant will be increased from the original 280,000 tons to 450,000 tons, and the quality of pickling will be greatly improved. The quality defects such as under-pickling and iron oxide skin press-in will be completely eliminated. Basically eliminate scratches and scratches. In addition, various energy consumption such as steam, hydrochloric acid, and water will be greatly reduced, providing conditions for improving the quality of cold-rolled products and reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
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