[Chinese instrument network instrument research and development] The essence of light is electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic waves that human eyes can perceive are called visible light, which is known as the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Visible light is…
In the next few years, the number of imported electrical instrumentation products will be small, and it will not cause any impact on China's domestic market. China's electrical instrumentation products are the only imported products in the domestic ins…
First, the application background
Traditional warehouse management generally relies on a non-automated, paper-based system to record and track incoming and outgoing goods. It is completely managed by the internal management of the warehouse. Therefore, the efficiency of warehouse manag…
The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce on January 11 that Peru has imposed anti-dumping duties on Chinese tires.
On January 3, Peru’s Competition and Intellectual Property Protection Bureau issued a resolution to terminate the revie…
On January 3, Peru’s Competition and Intellectual Property Protection Bureau issued a resolution to terminate the revie…
The cloud has become an irreversible trend in the IT world, and it is certainly impossible for providers in the IT space to turn a blind eye to it. It is no exception to Radware. Radware is a leading provider of application delivery and network security and today the cloud has al…
Nowadays, the parking problem has been plaguing people's lives. Many first- and second-tier cities have started to increase the construction of parking lots to ease the current problem of parking. We often encounter congestion problems at the entrances and exits of parking lots, causing p…
According to relevant reports, it is expected that the global market for plastics processing machinery will grow at a rate of 6.9% per annu…
Model NO.: SUNDI-835W
Certification: ISO, CE, SGS