Summary of filling treatment goaf

Filling the empty area can reduce the amplitude of rock and surface movement, slow down the occurrence and development of the above movement, prevent large-scale ground pressure activities, and help solve the problem of stacking of tailings and waste rock. Filling the role of processing t

Treatment of various steel industry wastewater

First, the treatment of mine wastewater

Sulfide deposits under the action of oxygen and water, wherein the sulfur, iron and other elements would form sulfuric ACID and

What is the non-priming drug millisecond electric detonator?

The non-priming drug millisecond electric detonator is the most advanced and safe detonator in the world. Due to the cancellation of the positive detonating charge in the detonator, the whole detonator has only a single explosive or mixed explosive, and solves the problem of group explosi

LED lighting output value will expand to 4 billion crisis next year

China's lighting industry started from the early 1980s. After 30 years of rapid, stable and sustained development, it has grown from a small industry with an initial production value of less than 10 billion yuan to a total annual production value of 350 billion yuan in 2011. industry.